

发布时间: 2024-05-17 03:18:42北京青年报社官方账号



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And one analyst, Jordan Rohan of Stifel Nicolas, just upped his projections on fourth quarter Kindle Fire sales from an estimated five million to six million. Rohan contends that Amazon.com’s attractive price on the Kindle Fire, 9, is helping it win customers.


And in our final segment, it’s the GeekWire Trivia Challenge, with a chance to win a pair of tickets to the upcoming GeekWire Awards. What do Jonas Salk, who discovered and developed the polio vaccine, and John Ehrlichman, the Nixon aide and Watergate figure, have in common as it relates to Seattle startups? Listen to the third segment and send your answer to podcast@geekwire.com for a chance to win.


And ignoring the resistance of vested interst groups to reforms, China should instead deepen the reforms to enhance public confidence in their effectiveness for the betterment of the country as a whole.


And those who haven’t come across Alexa lately would be missing that the company is striving to make its AI more “humanlike.” Reid addressed some concerns around that ambition.


And so that’s where the innovation is. That does not mean that the PC is going to die. I love the Mac and the Mac is still growing, and I think it can still grow. But I solidly believe that the tablet market will surpass the unit sales of the PC market, and it is just a matter of the rate and speed and time that that happens. It is too much of a profound change in things, not to, I’d say. Anyway, that’s my opinion, and people can always disagree. I feel strongly about it if you can’t tell.”


